Monday, October 21, 2013

New Scam

From my guest blogger, the "Tree Hugger":

I got a phone call moments ago from "Windows support" saying they had 
noticed malicious software being down-loaded into my computer.

It was a woman with a foreign accent. I asked for a phone number where I could phone them back. She did give me an 800 number.

When I said, "Gee, that's funny. We don't have a Windows operating system," she hung up immediately. 

I looked up the 800 number she had given me. It apparently belongs to a Christian bookstore in Vancouver, British Columbia. It's probably not the number she was calling from. 

I'm hoping this note may spare someone from falling for a gimmick like this.


  1. Good on you! Did you email the place and tell them their number is being used?

  2. I've received that call about 4 times's usually a man with an Indian accent. I like your response better than mine. LOL. I just say "not interested" and hang up.

  3. Interesting!!! And thanks for the heads up!
