Thursday, January 24, 2019

Weird Weather

The weather has been so weird this winter.  When Ground Hog Day was less than a month away, I realized we hadn't yet had any winter weather to speak of. Then, on the 13th of January, we had 6 inches of snow.  Within a day or two, the temperature climbed and the snow began to melt. The next weekend, we had freezing rain. Yesterday, the temperature rose to 56. Today, it's cold and rainy. Tomorrow, temperatures will be near freezing again. Our poor dog will not get a walk today.  I must say, she looks a little mopey, stretched out on the couch.

This photo is from last year. I tried taking a picture of this year's backyard winter scene with my "new" camera. It's a simple point-and-shoot model I've had for a year, but am still largely unacquainted with.  Simple as it is, it came with an intimidating and unintelligible multi-page booklet. Weird icons appeared when I pointed my camera at the snowfall and attempted to shoot. The booklet declined to explain this particular set of icons.  I also lost a photo I had already taken of our camellia, which bloomed unseasonably in December.  A dead or dying battery is probably to blame.  In the camera, not the camellia. 

Speaking of unseasonableness, the daffodils began to sprout the week between the blizzard and the ice storm.